How to Deal with Cat Allergies

Cats are adorable. Many people will prefer to have a cat as their pet rather than any other animal. A cat comes with many benefits, some of them being small and cute. A cat can be carried into a convenience store or transported in your car without much ado. However, there are very many people who would love to own a cat or some who already own one and they happen to be allergic to their cats in one way or another. Being allergic to your cat doesn’t mean that you should not own your dream pet, but rather, you should learn ways through which you can manage such allergies.

Even with your susceptibility to sneezing because of coming up close to your cat, you still have a grand opportunity to make your life so much more lively together. Moreover, just because you have a cat allergy doesn’t mean that you can’t take a ride with your cat-loving friends or even visit their residence. All you have to do is learn the several effective tricks that cat experts advise to start living without any fear of an allergy from this feline. But first, it’s important to get a better grasp of what a cat allergy is and what causes it before delving into the symptoms and eventually ways to avoid such allergies.

Causes of cat allergies

Cats are known to produce certain types of proteins that cause allergies. These unique proteins are called allergens. Almost every other body part of the cat has allergens – whether it’s the saliva, fur, paws, or even urine, every other cat carries them. The more cats you have in your home, the more allergens you are exposed to. However, you are more likely to be affected by these allergens if you are allergic to them or if you have a family member who is allergic to cats.

Cat Allergies
Cat Allergies

Your body is designed such that anything that invades it is fought by the immune system using antibodies. There are many elements in the air that are not harmful to our bodies or which are recognized by our bodies as not harmful, hence there is no need to fight them when we come into contact with them. There are people whose immune systems are very sensitive and anything such as an allergen will be fought immediately whenever it comes into contact with the body. It is for this reason that you will find some people sneezing, itching, or even getting an asthmatic attack.

A cat’s dander or dead skin is minute and not even visible to the naked eye. Such small particles which are effective carriers of allergens fly easily from your cat and get to settle on a list of places within your house. Such dander particles are so small that even sweeping the house or washing it once will almost make no difference. In many cases, such dander can linger on walls for months if not years.

Steps to take to reduce cat allergies in your life

Arm yourself with the right medication – Whenever you discover that you are allergic to cats, you will have an easy time coping with anything the cat throws at you. Antihistamines are readily available today and they are well known to be very effective at combating cat and other pet allergens. Have a constant supply of these tablets and whenever you happen to be visiting a friend’s house that has a cat, just take a pill and head out. You can also consider having a jab to desensitize your immune system from allergens.

Avoid the soft, cozy chair or couch – Dander flies all the time from the cat and settles on any furniture that is upholstered. It is very hard to remove all the dander from such an upholstered couch. Hence, if you are allergic to cats, avoid such couches. Go for the plain wood chairs or leather covered ones that have a minimal amount of dander if any.

Develop a hands on cleaning lifestyle – Most allergies are triggered when dander enters your respiratory system. A cat might pass by, and you might be tempted to touch it. While there might be no immediate reaction within your body, there is a likelihood of one if you touch your face or nose later on with your unwashed hands. You could also happen to run your hands on cat dander-infested areas without your knowledge. To reduce the chances of getting an allergic attack, always wash your hands at every opportunity.

Invest in an air filter – You could be having neighbors who own a cat or you might be visiting a friend who has a cat. If you are highly allergic to cat allergens, you should invest in a good air cleaner that absorbs all the dander trapped in the room where you are staying. In your home, dander coming from your neighbor’s apartment will be trapped by the air filter.

Have a no go zone area for your cat – To ensure that you remain healthy and enjoy your cat for a long time without incidences. You should ban your cat from entering your bedroom. You could also consider removing wall-to-wall carpeting as well as not buying upholstered furniture.

Clean your home regularly – Besides the normal washing that is done in your home, you should also consider dusting every other place that dander might have accumulated. While doing this, ensure that you are wearing a dust mask, or better still, if you are allergic, have someone who is non-allergic do the job for you. Regularly wash your cat to make it have the less dead skin on its body.

By following the above tips, you can avoid getting an allergic reaction. Improve your home’s ambiance by having the right furniture that will be comfortable for you while at the same time not jeopardizing your health. It is advisable that you take your cat to the vet every six months. This way, they will be treated for any skin disease that might make their bodies increase the release of allergens.

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Author: Editor

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